Stand Out & Be Noticed

For many of us, the thought of self-promoting and pushing ourselves forward can feel quite unnerving.     Do we worry that if we speak well of ourselves we will be poorly judged? Of course, this could play well in allowing us off the hook. We can mutter to ourselves...

Interview Success

Again this week I had a conversation about the how and why people are selected at interviews, and I thought it might be useful to touch on what that certain ‘something’ might be, that when it appears, puts you ahead of the competition. It is something that is often...

Authentically You!

Odd isn’t it that once you start to think about something it seems to pop up everywhere? You know the sort of thing, you decide to buy a particular car and then see them everywhere. Well, my latest one is everybody seems to be talking about being authentic. Here at...

Brand You

Why You Should Be Considering Brand You. I am a huge fan of the concept of ‘you are your brand’. That it is essential for anyone in business to be really clear on the message and the ‘brand’ they present; whether they run their own business,...

Resilience Needed

I was asked to contribute a small piece on resilience for a professional paper and was drawn to the observation of how essential resilience now is to anyone setting off on a new career path. Although always in the back of my mind I am concerned that resilience can...