Get to a happier place
As you look around this website you might be wondering who we are, why should you listen to us or indeed consider trusting us? Please read on…
About Us
The Way Consulting
…is run by Angela Hackett and Larry Watson who have been working in the field of counselling, coaching and professional development for over thirty years.
The Way Consulting was created by Larry Watson and Angela Hackett over twenty years ago, in the belief that it was possible for a personal and business development company to work in a positive atmosphere of enjoyment and integrity.
For organisations they provide a service that encourages meaningful personal development and provides a sound return on investment for customers.
For counselling and coaching clients they provide a safe and confidential environment using talking therapy which can help with many difficult life problems – from coping with traumatic experiences and events, to dealing with depression and anxiety or managing harmful emotions and behaviours.

Counselling Services
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As extensively experienced and long qualified counsellors we work with people in a safe, confidential and supportive manner; helping to get people to a balanced and happier place.

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Larry holds decades of experience in couples counselling, actively supporting couples to safely discuss their issues and find solutions to problems within their relationship.

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We work with people to help them onto a right track so they can move forward in their career and move towards a rewarding and satisfying working life.

Professional & Team Development
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Team interaction and energy always has an influence on organisational success, we improve interactions, increase self awareness and lead teams in understanding how to build stronger more successful outcomes.
Your Experts
A unique approach
They bring a unique approach to accessing greater understanding of self and consideration of beliefs behaviours and habits can get people to a more balanced and happier place and greater success in key areas of their lives.
“We understand that the enhancement of soft skills can be the dynamic link to releasing an individual’s true potential for success, however that looks to you, both professionally and personally. Qualifications alone are no longer enough to secure real progress.” – Larry Watson
“ I often think counselling was calling me all my life. An old soul perhaps? When, during a period of my life I experienced significant losses and change, I knew it was time to get to the books and do some hard thinking and learning, starting with my training as a Psychodynamic counsellor. I have never stopped studying and learning about our human condition from that point onwards. It has been my privilege to walk alongside my clients as they met some of their demons and struggles, opening some metaphorical doors and windows they had not seen before seeing them off into their happier and more fulfilled lives.”
“Alongside one to one counselling, we also wanted to create a service that would support people to feel more fulfilled and engaged in their working life and also assist organisations to grow and develop through the application of soft skills and the personal and professional development of their people. I know that every company benefits from employees that feel valued and supported in their personal development – both parties are rewarded with exceptional results and the energy is contagious. “ – Angela Hackett
Call Us
01737 831700
Message Larry – 07771 703184
Message Angela – 07880 744569