The Way Consulting provides counselling, coaching, career progression and professional development services.
As long qualified counsellors, having started our ever ongoing professional development, over thirty years ago, we have the experience, dedication and interest to offer real value and support to our clients.
Understanding it can often feel overwhelming to reach out for help, for support, for understanding we ensure our relaxed and thoughtful response will make you feel comfortable to get started and pursue a more settled and happier approach to life.
In business, we have earned a reputation for the delivery of transformational results for individuals and teams. With decades of experience, our services have supported hundreds of individuals to recognise their potential and go on to experience tremendous success. At the heart of any thriving business endeavour, lies self aware individuals and teams; our innovative and engaging approach to potential is released and progress secured.
Our coaching clients are often people who can be considered already successful, and yet now realise they are ready to face new challenges and are ready to move on and move up. Perhaps they feel they have reached a plateau and want to understand what it will take to move to the next level and be noticed for all the right reasons.
We create each event to suit our clients; some of our most popular topics are:
Organisational Politics As you move on in seniority the need to manage up and down becomes essential to your success. Qualifications and experience can be eclipsed by an inability to manage challenging people and situations; we increase awareness and offer clarity on how to move forward in challenging environments.
Conflict Resolution Too often valuable time and effort are misspent in needless conflict; we will show you resolution and a smooth transition to peaceful, industrious growth.
Interview Success So important in these challenging times, whether in-house promotion or an interview for a new position, we know how to give you the edge over other candidates. Ensuring your mindset will support the best version of you in any interview.
Public Speaking More frightening than death to some apparently, we show how to take out the pain and add the dynamic touch.
Presentation Skills Make sure you get your message across in an enjoyable manner for both you and your audience.
Team Dynamics Get the whole team working together with understanding and support to achieve the best possible outcomes.
Communication Are you really sure that you are saying what you think you are saying? From social media to written and spoken messages, chances are you are missing opportunities.
Contact us by email or call on +44(0) 1737 831700