Jun 19, 2024
The last few years have proved, for many of us, our most challenging with the need to find greater resilience in our lives, to become more resilient as we face just the normal trials of life. But how do we reach resilience and recognise it as a skill and not just us...
Jun 19, 2024
The Way Consulting provides counselling, coaching, career progression and professional development services. As long qualified counsellors, having started our ever ongoing professional development, over thirty years ago, we have the experience, dedication and...
Sep 1, 2013
For many of us, the thought of self-promoting and pushing ourselves forward can feel quite unnerving. Do we worry that if we speak well of ourselves we will be poorly judged? Of course, this could play well in allowing us off the hook. We can mutter to ourselves...
Jul 13, 2013
Again this week I had a conversation about the how and why people are selected at interviews, and I thought it might be useful to touch on what that certain ‘something’ might be, that when it appears, puts you ahead of the competition. It is something that is often...
Jun 15, 2013
Change seems all around us. Obvious of course but sometimes the speed is alarming. You can swing from just going along in your routine and then be into an almost unrecognisable life. When the changes are unwelcome how can we manage them? Look to a higher meaning,...