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Fear Of Failure

At last, our newest collaboration is up and working, , and I can now reflect on what may sound like a cliché but does have roots in truth. That often what makes us the greatest struggle, is the thing we value highest. It has also...

What Are You Missing?

I seem to spend a great deal of time working with people who actively resist being in the present moment. Often much of their behaviour is unconscious, worrying about what might potentially be coming their way or what they might miss.    Many of us seem to have lost...

Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

It is so hard sometimes to push ourselves to be more than we fear we can be. Sometimes we sit unconsciously in our comfort zone doing just enough and wonder why we are feeling bored or unfulfilled. The comfort zone is where everything feels familiar and achievable,...

Fight or Flight?

One of my amazing clients, who now due to the wonderful nature of this job I can count as a friend also, is off for a tough interview today. The final part of a serious selection process for a very serious job. She is beyond good and yet with all her talents and...